What is Biomechanics?

Unlike other “stretch & flex” programs, Dr. Jorgensen does not focus simply on Ergonomics. Her focus is on Biomechanics. Biomechanics is the study of the mechanics of the living body, including how muscles, bones, tendons and ligaments work together and how they are affected by the forces of gravity.

Dr. Jorgensen believes that the best ergonomics equipment available is useless if the people do not understand how to properly use the equipment. Dr. Jill calls her initial program “Save Your Spine”. Often times, employees feel it’s “too late for them” because of old injuries that cause the employee to have restricted motion, tight or sore muscles and possibly pain. Dr. Jorgensen punctuates the importance of using your body the “correct” way involves all movements both at work and home.

Employees are taught how to do THEIR job biomechanically correct and how to use THEIR body biomechanically correct.